This book
not only gives you plenty of ‘How-To-Write-Copy-Advice’ but also some exciting
ideas what advertising could and should be. I’ll start with the former and then
go to the latter:
The first
piece of advice is fun and honesty: „Don’t be boring.“ (David Abott, D&AD,
2011, p.11). „“If you don’t enjoy writing it, no one will enjoy reading it“ is
one of my mantras.“ (John Bevins, D&AD, 2011, p.30).
to everything as you write it. Keep writing until you say yes. Build your ad on
a series of yes responses.“ (Silverman, D&AD, 2011, p.305). „Confession is
good for the soul and for copy, too. Bill Bernbach used to say „a small
admission gains a large acceptance“. I still think he was right.“ (David Abott,
D&AD, 2011, p.11).
Then, not
surprising, all writers agree that understanding your audience – consumers and
clients – is key: „Demonstrate greater insight into the needs of the audience.
People who better runderstand your needs (a category that includes spouses and
shrinks) are seen as better able to meet them.“ (Thomas, D&AD, 2011,
p.342). „Search for some way to relate the tiny, constricted world clients live
in to the larger, sunnier world people actually care about.“ (Hayden, D&AD,
2011, p.154).
And then,
a piece of advice, that is incredibly important, when we all feel very busy: wait
before you write and hand it to the creative director: „First and foremost,
avoid like genital warts the temptations to start writing. Once I’ve read the
brief I tend to waddle off and play pool, or hang about with unsuitable women
for a while. On the one hand it allows the important bits of the brief to sink
in, and the reams of dross to fade into richly deserved obsucrity.“ (Neil
French,D&AD, 2011, p.128). „On my return around 3:30 or 4pm from this daily
habit, which was essential to create as much distance as possible between me
and the copy (thus removing my ego from it and creating a more objective stance).
I would see that what I had written in the morning was tosh. I would throw it
away (amongst the myriad of things DDB provided for ist copywriters was a green
metal waste bin).“ (Gluck, D&AD, 2011, p.141).

Once you
write, offer readers something to lead him in and then constantly keep them
engaged: „It was probably my grounding in direct mail that taught me my
obligations to the reader. I was usually entering their homes uninvited and
because of that I always felt that my first responsibility was to them – and
not the client.“ (Harrison, D&AD, 2011, p.148). „Keep the reader rewarded:
Any copywriter has to strike a deal with the reader. And as far as the reader
is concerned, the deal is this. I’ll keep
reading as long as you keep me interested. So always ask yourself: have I
expressed this in as original a way as possible? Have I been ruthlessly
concise? Have I kept my side oft he bargain?“ (Holmes, D&AD, 2011, p.173). „There’s
one short simple word you should use a lot. Read your copy and check that „you“
appears three times more than „I“ or „we“.“ (Harrison, D&AD, 2011, p.148).
And to
keep readers engaged, make it easy for them: you need to cut the copy
relentlessly until it is in the simplest form possible: „I learned that if a
line (let alone a word) could be taken out and the copy still stood up, i fit
did not suffer in any way, then it could be quashed.“ (Gluck, D&AD, 2011,
p.140). „ Make your copy slightly less demanding than the editorial matter to
both respects.“ (Salmon, D&AD, 2011, p.301). „This means using language they’ll
understand instantly. Which words are they? Well, oft he 80 most-used words in
the English language, 78 have Anglo-Saxon root. These are the short, simple
words we use every day.“ (Harrison, D&AD, 2011, p.148). „Verbs, of course,
always make faster pictures than adjectives. a) A sharp jagged cut in the paper
was made by the knife. b) The knife ripped though the paper.“ (Silverman, D&AD,
2011, p.305).

But the
copy needs not only simple, but at the same time, develop and expose the best
of the company to the outside world: „I don’t create a voice for a client. I
try to express the voice that is already there but which may have been muted by
expediency or distorted by poor advice. I believe that companies, like people,
exist and grow by virtue oft he good in them. And that if there is no goodness
they will die. Sometimes their essential goodness is hard to find. (...) But
when you show them who they truly are and where their goodness resides, it
rings a bell.“ (Tony Brignull, D&AD, 2011, p.42).
And then
do it again and again: No matter what you brought to Tim Delaney no matter how
much, he went through them and said: ‚Nah.’ „Tim didn’t really teach. He wanted
you to just get on with the job and teach yourself. And that’s much quicker and
more effective than any long drawn-out critique. Don’t think, just do, and
thoughts will definitely happen along the way.“ (Sean Doyle, D&AD, 2011,
beyond copywriting the writers offer many ideas on what advertising is and what
it should be: „the one unalterable thing that differentiates copywriting from
all other forms of writing. An ad is never an end in itself. It always refers
to something beyond it, the product. And just as there are only half a dozen
stories of any kind, there are only half a dozen car stories.“ (Tony Cox, D&AD,
2011, p.64). „Our job is not to make people think what a great ad, it’s to make
them think what a genius product.“ (Trott quoted by Paul Fishlock, D&AD,
2011, p.114).
But it is
a fascinating job: „Words are Gods. They have the power to make people do
things, because they carry ideas.“ (Sinclair, D&AD, 2011, p.314). „Read
poetry: Any why not? Indeed, I think the best copywriting is a form of poetry.
We fuss and fret about the way things sound as much as poets do. So study their
techniques, see how they use language, rhythm and imagery to achieve their
effects. Anyway, it’s good for you. What do they know of copywriting that only
copywriting know?“ (Holmes, D&AD, 2011, p.173). „Clive James said that
humour is common sense dancing. Following the great advertising tradition of
„borrowing“ from someone much cleverer, I would say that copywriting is
persuasion dancing.“ (Wear, D&AD, 2011, p.354).
beyond words, there are stories: „The secret was to trust not in writing but
storytelling. Storytelling is not the same as writing, it is only superficially
about things like plot, character and narrative. At the deepest level it is
entirely about the reader. Stories change things by enabling people to realise
for themselves that they are powerful and can do much in the world, and,
crucially, that they want to do it.“ (Sinha, D&AD, 2011, p.321). „In so many
ways, then, creating advertising actually is the same discipline as acting. You
must start by mentally discarding your own identity. You have to become the
people you are communicating with. Internalise their interests, joys, fears,
tastes, even biases.“ (Stingley, D&AD, 2011, p.328).
And this
ability is what makes advertising necessary: „The ability to communicate
product benefits to customers in language they find credible and sympathetic is
one of the major values an agency offers ist clients. Copy should read like a
letter from a friend.“ (Salmon, D&AD, 2011, p.301). „Like lawyers,
copywriters build persuasive cases for clients by selecting truths that are
positive and omitting truths that are negative. This is different than lying.
Lying is inelegant and foolish. It is not professionally challenging.“ (Silverman,
D&AD, 2011, p.304).
But our
responsibility is to the readers: “If you want to be a well-paid copywriter,
please your client. If you want to be an award-winning copywriter, please
yourself. If you want to be a great copywriter, please your reader.“ (Hayden, D&AD,
2011, p.154).
When we
are truly lucky we can be of relevant to them: „Product advertising explains
the product to me. Brand advertising explains me to me. (Empathy.) (...)” (John
Bevins, D&AD, 2011, p.31).