Strategy – A History – Lawrence Freeman
great overview of strategic thought – I wanted to see a bit more of Freeman’s
own thought.
and large, strategy comes into play where there is actual or potential
conflict, when interests collide and forms of resolution are required.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.xi). “It is about getting more out of a situation than the
starting balance of power would suggest. It is the art of creating power.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.xii).
Homer came the contrasting qualities, represented respectively by Achilles and
Odysseus, of bie and metis (strength and cunning).” (Freeman, 2013, p.23). “The
play underlined the difficulty of relying on deception and then expecting to be
trusted.” (Freeman, 2013, p.28). “Supreme excellence in war was not found in
winning “one hundred victories in one hundred battles.” Rather, it was better
“to subdue the enemy without fighting.”” (Freeman quoting Sun Tzu, 2013, p.44).
its dangers, battle had a special role as an occasional means of agreeing on
who had won and what victory meant.” (Freeman, 2013, p.49). “The battles were
limited in time and space, fought on a defined field within a single day
(tension at dawn, exhaustion by dusk). Within those confines they would be
bloody and vicious, but at least they might produce a conclusion without
spilling over into the rest of the country.” (Freeman, 2013, p.49).
importantly, he (Alexander) understood that Napoleon wanted battle. If that was
what he wanted, that was exactly what he should not have.” (Freeman, 2013,
p.79). “”Time which is allowed to pass unused accumulates to the credit of the
defender.”” (Freeman, 2013, p.90).
helped explain the difference between was as it might be – that is, absolute
and unrestrained – and actual war.” (Freeman, 2013, p.87). “His advice was to
keep the plan simple, especially against a capable opponent. (…) the strategic
plan survived so long as successive engagements were being won.” (Freeman,
2013, p.90).
center of gravity,” he explained, “is always found where the mass is
concentrated the most densely. It presents the most effective target for a
blow; furthermore, the heaviest blow is that struck by the center of gravity.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.91).
“Niederwerfungsstrategie, the strategy of annihilation.
(…) Ermattungsstrategie, the strategy of exhaustion, sometimes translated as
attrition. Whereas with a strategy of annihilation there was just one pole, the
battle, with exhaustion there was another pole, involving a variety of ways to
achieve the political ends of war, including occupying territory, destroying
crops, and blockading.” (Freeman, 2013, p.108).
this respect, the “ideal concentration” was “an appearance of weakness that
covers the reality of strength.”” (Freeman, 2013, p.120).
“Fuller became one of the first to focus on
the possibility of disorienting the enemy’s “brain” rather than eliminating his
physical strength. (…) using tanks and aircraft in a battle would be decisive
as a result of psychological dislocation rather than physical destruction.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.131).
manoeuvre which brings an ally into the field is as serviceable as that which
win a great battle.” (Freeman, 2013, p.139). “Thus far the chief purpose of our
military establishment has been to win wars. From now on its chief purpose must
be to avert them.” (Freeman, 2013, p.146).“”The power to hurt is bargaining
power. (…) Under this proposition, strategy moved from consideration of
conquest and resistance to deterrence, intimidations, blackmail, and threats.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.163).
greater the success of the original strategy the greater the risk of friction
as an army moved away from home base.” (Freeman, 2013, p.212).
a radical spoke of the “Spirit of History, the ceaseless March of Progress,”
Herzen exclaimed, “A curse on your capital letters! We’re asking people to
spill their blood – at least spare them the conceit that they are acting out
the biography of an abstract noun.” (Freeman, 2013, p.266).
involved nationalism, which was in principle threatening class solidarity.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.295).“If war came it should be used to hasten the
revolution.” (Freeman, 2013, p.295).
“At the heart of his (Tolstoy’s) antistrategic
vision was the belief that divisions within human society were unnatural, and
so if they were healed there would be no need for struggle and conflict.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.308). “evil can only be overcome with good and cannot be
opposed.” (Freeman, 2013, p.311).
(James) define the pragmatic method as “the attitude of looking away from first
things, principles, ‘categories’, supposed necessities; and of looking towards
last things, fruits, consequences, fact.” (Freeman, 2013, p.317). “He (Gandhi) argued
the inseparability of ends and means: violent methods could not deliver a
peaceful society.” (Freeman, 2013, p.348).
of decisions being taken by individuals who were detached, remote, and looking
after their own interests, a way had to be found to engage people so that they
could shape their own destinies.” (Freeman, 2013, p.367).
to this school of thought was the conviction, bolstered by research, that
social problems had social rather than personal causes.” (Freeman, 2013,
p.378). “They understood the futility of expecting people absorbed in a daily
struggle for survival to sign up for an even larger and more dangerous struggle
defined only by vague slogans.” (Freeman, 2013, p.409).
every moment the relationship of power may become a confrontation between two
adversaris.” (Freeman quoting Foucault, 2013, p.426). “In an inversion of
Clausewitz, he presented politics as a continuation of war.” (Freeman, 2013,
Turner argued that life would be chaotic without simple stories turning pieces
of information into a coherent patterns.” (Freeman, 2013, p.429). “It was
another way the weak could take on the strong: less muscle but better stories.
A battle of narratives was to be preferred to a real battle.” (Freeman, 2013,
in 1914 Ford started to have difficulty maintaining a stable workforce because
of the dreary and routine nature if assembly-line work, he announced that his
workers would be paid five dollars a day. This he described as one of the
“finest cost-cutting moves we ever made.”” (Freeman, 2013, p.480).
first Sloan was reporting to Pierre DuPont, who was chairman and chief
executive. This meant that, unlike Ford, Sloan had to have an internal strategy
as well one to deal with the competition.” (Freeman, 2013, p.484).
a social role far beyond anything implied in the term “private enterprise,”
this was an economic power that could compete on its own terms with the
political power of the state. A new form of struggle was developing: “The state
seeks in some aspects to regulate the corporation, while the corporation,
steadily becoming more powerful, makes every effort to avoid such regulation.””
(Freeman, 2013, p.490).
blamed Taylor for separating planning from doing.” (Freeman, 2013, p.493)
fundamental strategic rule was: “Induce your competitors not to invest in those
products, markets, and services where you expect to invest most.”” (Freeman,
2013, p.507).
this way, Justin Fox remarked, “rational market idea” moved from “theoretical
economics into the empirical subdivision of finance.” There it “lost in nuance
and gained in intensity.” It was now seeking to use the “stock market’s
collective judgements to resolve conflicts of interest that had plagued
scholars, executives, and shareholders for generations.” (Freeman, 2013,
“the start to consider human beings as social
actors and organizations as bundles of social relationships.” (Freeman, 2013,
p.542). “critique of modernist forms of rational bureaucracy.” (Freeman, 2013,
p.542).“Once organizations began to be viewed as social systems in their own
right rather than as means to some management goal, questions arose (…) how
organizations could be arranged to make for a more fulfilling life for the
workforce.” (Freeman, 2013, p.543). “Business should be about heart, beauty and
art – not some “disembodied bloodless enterprise” but “the selfless pursuit of
an ideal.” (Freeman quoting Peters and Waterman, 2013, p.547).
(bounded rationality) accepted human fallibility without losing the
predictability that might still result from a modicum of rationality. Simon
showed how people might reasonably accept suboptimal outcomes because of the
excessive effort required to get to the optimal.” (Freeman, 2013, p.592).
is the easy problems – the mundane math problems of daily life – that are the
best suited to the conscious brain. (…) Complex problems, on the other hand,
require the processing power of the emotional brain the supercomputer of the
mind.” (Freeman, 2013, p.602). “The revelation lay in just how much computation
and analysis humans were capable of before they were really aware of any
serious thought underway at all. Here in the subconscious could be found the
various heuristics and biases explored by the behavioural economists, or the
repressed feelings.” (Freeman, 2013, p.602). “Human beings did, what felt
right, but that did not mean their behaviour was uninformed or irrational.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.602).
this end this chapter explores the value of considering strategy as a story
about power told in the future tense from the perspective of the leading
character” (Freeman, 2013, p.606). “Strategy therefore starts with an existing
state of affairs and only gains meaning by an awareness of how, for better or
worse, it could be different.” (Freeman, 2013, p.611). “Strategy is best
understood modestly, as moving to the “next stage” rather than to a definitive
and permanent conclusion.” (Freeman, 2013, p.611).
reason this book has returned so often to questions of language and
communication is because strategy is meaningless without them. Not only does
strategy need to be out into words so that others can follow, but it works
through affecting the behaviour of others. Thus it is always about persuasion.”
(Freeman, 2013, p.614). “The challenges for the strategist – indeed, the
essence of strategy – is to force or persuade those who are hostile or
unsympathetic to act differently than their current intentions.” (Freeman,
2013, p.627).