Monday, 6 January 2014

A Big Life (in advertising) – Mary Wells Lawrence 2002

“The big agencies defended themselves; they said they made advertising scientifically, with sophisticated research. But Bill said either they were liars or they were stupid; their pitiful researchreduced advertising to, basically, one poor tired ad that was repeated over and over again.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.3).

“The advertising business, like America itself after the war, had built up the fiction of safety with its hierarchies and armylike respect for the boss.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.3).

“Advertising is not a science, it is persuasion, and persuasion is an art, it is intuition that leads to discovery, to inspiration, it is the artist who is capable of making ” (Lawrence quoting Bernbach, 2002, p.3).

“Booboos often sell better than perfection, perhaps because they humanize products and make people care about them.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.9).

“My way of running an agency was as if it was a motion-picture company with a lot of productions happening at one time. I was the director, sometimes the star.The people I hired were the cast of characters.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.46).

 “his life was filled with grace, every new project was the best one he ever had. Since then I’ve had my eye out for the romantics in business, they are full of ideas, and I am crazy about people who are happy in their work.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.90).

“there was danger in clients who came to an agency desperately in need of direction and guidance because, he said, “the same brilliance, the same guts you use to grab the brass ring and lead that client to a success will be perceived as arrogance and an irritation as soon as the client is successful.” I remember him wagging his finger at me, “You have to stay close and take your agency through a transition from leading the client to taking more and more direction from him.” He looked at me, an owl: “Mary,” he said, “don’t imagine that anyone else at the agency will know when to switch from the left foot to the right.” Then, ruefully, “I know these things. What I just told you is worth a lot of money.” (Lawrence quoting Bill Bernbach, 2002, p.96).

“The point was that it is better to have your kids brushing their teeth with a toothpaste they like than to have them refuse to brush their teeth at all with a fluoride toothpaste. (…) “Best tasting toothpaste in the world.”” (Lawrence, 2002, p.115).

 “They (comfort boys) were the less talented people who bought the agency time for the superachievers to get around to producing the right stuff. They were enablers, and everyone who has ever run an agency has enablers to fill up time until a superior talent is free.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.118).

Konstantin Stanislavsky, the giant of the group, thought that an actor must truly believe in everything that takes place on stage. Most of all, he must believe in what he himself is doing there: his emotion must be realm not pretended, in order to give you, the audience, a genuine experience. What happens on stage the happens in you.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.170).

“One of the reasons for the Mary cult at Wells Rich Greene was that I saw the agency as an intimate family I cherished, understood and forgave. There was an irreverence in the climate and there was candor because everyone knew that I cherished, understood and forgave. (Lawrence, 2002, p.191).

A corporate campaign for Fors used the workers in the factors. “Every single time we filmed a worker in his home plant the quality of the workmanship at that plant shot up. It was a wonderful thing to see happen. It was as if the whole plant had gone on stage and declared it was personally responsible for the quality coming out of the Ford motor Company. Plant managers fought to have commercials made in their plants starring their workers.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.226).

“”Are we having fun now?” he would ask me in a loud whisper, squeezed into his 727 seat, staring own at something that usually looked like a plate of dog food. “I’m tired of bringing out the best in other people,” he would tell me as if confiding a secret.” (Lawrence, 2002, p.258).

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