This book
is a perfect treatment of jealousy. In all its intricate mechanics.
Iago, the
central agent to stir jealousy, does so without a cause, just like jealousy
itself. He feels overlooked for the post as a lieutenant and also hints that
his wife had cheated on him with Othello – but these motifs only play a minor
role over the play.
conversation support that point: „Desdemona: Alas the day, I never gave him
cause! / Emilia: But jealous souls will not be answer’d so; They are not ever
jealous for the cause, / But jealous for
they’re jealous: it is a monster / Begot upon itself, born on itself.“
(Shakespeare, 2011, p. 87).
And also
Iago is admitting it himself: „Iago: `Twas mine, `tis his, and has been slave
to thousands; / But he that filches from me my good name / Robs me of that
which not enriches him, / And makes me poor indeed.“ (Shakespeare, 2011, p.
And most
famously: „O, beware, my lord, of jealousy, / It is t he green-eyed monster
which doth mock / The meat it feeds on.“ (Shakespeare, 2011, p. 67).
central theme as a cause for jealousy in the book is deception – sometimes
real, sometimes imagined, but the effect on jealousy is the same. Iago declares
openly right at the beginning that he deceives: „But I will wear my heart upon
my sleeve / For daws to peck at: I am not what I am.“ (Shakespeare, 2011, p.
And once
deception and accusation set the foundation for jealousy, it grows upon itself
example: Othello does not react to the first accusations that his wife is
cheating on him. But Iago knows that time helps suspicions and finally jealousy
to grow: „After some time, to abuse Othello’s ear / That he is too familiar
with his wife. (...).... hell and night / Must bring this monstrous birth to
the world light.“ (Shakespeare, 2011, p. 29).
Once the
seed of doubt is sown, whatever the suspected do, it will look like further
proof of jealousy: „Iago: And what’s he then, that says I play the villain? / (...)
How am I, then, a villain / To counsel Cassio to this parallel course, / Directly
to his good? Divinity to hell! / When devils will the blackest sin put on, / They
do suggest at first with heavenly shows, / As I do now: for whiles this honest
fool / Plies Desdemona to repair his fortunes, / And she for him pleads strongly
to the Moor, / I’ll poor this pestilence into his ear, - / That she repeals him
for her body’s lust; / And by how much she strives to do him good, / She shall
undo her credit with the Moor. / So will
I turn her virtue into pitch; / And out of her own goodness make the net / That
shall enmash them all.“ (Shakespeare, 2011, p. 255.
Trifles light as air / Are the jealous confirmations strong / As proofs of holy
writ.“ (Shakespeare, 2011, p. 73).
jealousy is growing, it blurs the line between knowing and doubting:
Why, why is this? / Think’st thou I’d make a life of jealousy, / To follow
still the changes of the moon / With fresh suspicions? No, to be once in doubt
/ Is once to be resolv’d. (...) No Iago; / I’ll see before I doubt.“
(Shakespeare, 2011, p. 68).
knowing anymore what is real and what imagined, makes a person lose his
characrer: Thus the play ends, by Othello blurring the line and almost losing
his identity:
Where is this rash and most unfortunate man? / Othello: That’s he that was Othello; - here I am.“ (Shakespeare,
2011, p. 141).
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